Recording group conversations

Transcribing a group discussion is very time-consuming and quite nerve-wracking. Transcribing group conversations in particular requires good concentration. The noise level in the recording is often higher and the conversations are usually more turbulent than in a “contemplative” one-to-one conversation.
To clarify: For the transcription of an interview with two people, we calculate a transcription time of 5-6 hours per hour of interview, for group interviews 8-10 hours per hour of interview.
However, with a few precautions you can significantly reduce the amount of transcription work later on and save yourself unnecessary time. In this article, we’ll give you some useful tips and use sound examples to show you just how much of an impact some effects can have on the sound quality.
1. avoid bumping tables
There is often a table in the middle of a discussion group. So it makes sense to place the recording device there. But beware: you probably know the effect of placing a vibrating tuning fork on a tabletop? The table transmits the sound and resonates. The recording device works in a similar way when you place it on the table. Rustling paper, tapping, taking notes, a projector or notebook nearby, spoons in coffee cups, pouring water … All these sounds are transmitted directly to the recording device. Even if you are not explicitly aware of them during the conversation – the recording device captures them all. And listening to them afterwards is really unpleasant. Our proposed solution:
- Use a mini tripod or position the recorder on a book, a sweater, a cap, etc. to absorb vibrations from the table (writing, knocking).
- If crockery is unavoidable, make sure that the recorder is as far away as possible from rattling cups.
- Do not leave a projector or similar in the vicinity.
Here you can hear the rustling of paper and hectic notes of the secretary on the table – DM-650 on the table(download)
And this is what it sounds like with a tripod – LS-12 on tripod(download)
2. select the correct level and format
In order to record a group as well as possible, the right recording device and the settings made on it are among the most important factors. Please note:
- If your device supports manual leveling, switch it on and level it well. If you’re not sure: it’s better to turn it down too low. The recordings can later be leveled (made louder) with Audacity or MP3Gain. Once too loud and thus overdriven – and the recording is almost irretrievably unpleasant to listen to.
- The recording format should be .mp3, and the bit rates should be between 192 and 320 kB/s. Please do not use .wma, .dss and/or .m4a! Most recording devices, e.g. Philips DVT 4000, Olympus DM-650 and/or LS-12, natively support different bit rates in mp3 mode. If you have the choice, please always select a fixed and not a variable bit rate. The latter can lead to deviating time marks when using transcription programs and make it difficult to re-listen to or correct transcripts.
Here you can listen to an example in m4a format (Smartphone) – iPhone(download)
And here is an mp3 of the same situation – LS-12(download)
3. quiet please – the room resonates
The choice of location or room is extremely relevant. As cozy as a beer garden is – with its many background noises, it is one of the most unsuitable locations for a group recording to carry out a reasonably efficient transcription. You should also avoid very large, reverberant rooms. At the latest when participants speak at the same time, only a “mush of voices” can be recorded, which makes it difficult to break down. It is almost as important to influence the situation so that background noises such as street noise from open windows or neighboring rooms are not recorded. Therefore:
- Close the windows and doors and ventilate only in phases if possible.
- Avoid outdoor recordings or, if they cannot be avoided, use a fur windscreen and manual leveling.
- Ensure a quiet environment. Conversations in the background or a café atmosphere, for example, are harmful.
- Choose a room appropriate to the size of the group with as little reverberation as possible (carpeting, curtains or a room with a full ceiling are advantageous).
- Be careful not to place quiet speakers too far away from the recording device.
Conversation management supported
If you have now made the preliminary planning for the recording of the group discussion, you can still do a lot on the day of the recording to make the later typing as pleasant as possible. This is especially true if the speakers are to be consistently identified and labeled (i.e. Anna always as B1, Peter always as B2, etc.). From our experience in the transcription service we can give the following advice:
- Ask the participants to take it in turns to briefly introduce themselves by name and function: The recording then provides reference points that can make it easier to identify the speaker later on (this is particularly important when outsourcing).
- Draw up a seating plan so that you can better localize voices on the recording later based on the position of the recording device, the moderators/interviewers and the other people.
- “Luxury” option: Note down in a list of speakers the order in which they speak. ATTENTION: This is only useful if it is carried out consistently and closely enough.
- If the topic and/or research question allows, moderate the conversation to minimize overlaps and, above all, “wild” confusion.
- If the group is larger, use a second recording device and record it in parallel. This way you can listen to any incomprehensible passages (from a different angle).
Here is an example of such a moderation – DM-650 on the table(download)
Here are all the shots again for comparison
For the following test recordings, we have chosen four different recording devices that are used frequently. Olympus DM-650 (automatic level control), an Olympus DS-7000 (dictation machine in dss format), iPhone 5S (m4a format) and an LS-12 (manual level control and mounted on a tripod). We used the Sony PCM-D100 as a reference for very high-quality and comparatively expensive recordings.
There is a lot of background noise in the first sound samples and the speakers often interrupt each other. The second group discussion example is a guided moderation. What differences do you hear in the recordings? What do you find annoying?
“Orderly” discussion
- Olympus DS-7000(download)
- Olympus DM-650(download)
- iPhone(download)
- Olympus LS-12(download)
- Sony PCM-D100(download)